Insights & Tips
What type of scalp do you have?
Do you get confused with the many different types of shampoos sold out there? Ever wondered which will actually work for your hair and which will not? Well, buying shampoos isn’t rocket science, but buying the wrong shampoo for your hair and worsening the condition could make it worth learning... Continue Reading →
Hair Bleaching & Hair Loss
hair bleach, hair bleach and scalp, Hair Bleaching & Hair Loss, Hair Colouring, hair dye, hair fall, hair loss
It is the way we carry ourselves that makes us tick. In the same way, it is the way we style our hair—the crowning glory of a person—that makes us look fabulous. The hairstyle that we usually sport speaks so much about ourselves. Likewise, hair colouring.
Some would make drastic changes and... Continue Reading →
6 Signs of Hair Loss
DHT, hair loss management, Hair Loss Signs, Male pattern baldness, thinning hair
Ever seen someone with a perfect hairstyle and wondered how to emulate it but realise that your hair is not as thick or full to even begin? Then you start thinking that you are losing way too much hair! Is this a sign? Then again, you are only in your 20s or early 30s so you can’t be balding,... Continue Reading →